Saturday, November 26, 2011

Final Thoughts

This class has opened my eyes to the possibilities of using technology in the classroom.  I was increasingly challenged to use new tools in Google such as Blogger, Google Sites, Presentation, GoogleDocs, Google Forms, and Gmail. I also was challenged to use other Web 2.0 tools such as Animoto, Delicious, Glogster, Picnik, Smilebox, Timetoast, Twitter, Storybird, Wordle, and PBworks.  I think my favorite tools to work in were those in Google such as Google Docs, Blogger, and Sites, but I also really enjoyed Glogster, Wordle, and Storybird. 

I am very grateful for all that I have learned and cannot wait to utilize many of these tools in my future classroom.  I have also learned that the more organized that you are before beginning a technology project, the more equipped you will be to complete it in a timely manner. Making storyboards were a great way for me to get organized before making various projects. After all the practice that I have had with inserting and embeding various tools, pictures, videos, and documents, I feel much more comfortable and confident with using technology in my own classroom. My only wish for this class is that we would have worked more with SmartBoard technology as they are heavily used at Tennessee School for the Deaf where I will be doing my internship next year. 

This class really exceeded my expectations, and I have recommended it to many of my friends.  I am very grateful for my teacher, Ginny Britt, for all her patience with all my questions.  I look forward to updating you all about my experiences in the future!

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